With the introduction of digital cameras and smartphones, one can take his/her photos which are known as selfies. Initially, this was considered as a great facility but, as days and years pass by, the facility is transformed into a mental problem. There is a new word suggestion in Collins and Oxford Dictionary ‘Selfitis’; accepted as a new word. Selfitis is the obsessive taking and sharing of selfies. As per authentic journals, ‘selfitis’ is a genuine disorder. American Psychiatric Association (APA) has established Selfitis as a mental disorder.

Selfitis is a psychological disorder that has recently been emerged in the field of mental disorders. This is a condition in which a person has the urge to put his/her photos on social media like Facebook. Since the usage of Facebook is very high in India, a significant study on selfitis has been conducted in India. Out of a 225 students study involved from two Indian Universities, 43 students were having a borderline problem, 72 with the acute problem and 33 are having a chronic problem. A scale has been developed for this. This scale is known as the ‘Selfitis Behavior Scale.’ This measurement has 20 factors developed by the experts and mark scoring is up to 100. SBS or Selfies Behavior Scale initially focussed interviews with Indian University Students. Given here below are some of the self feelings of people having selfitis.

  1. Environment enhancement. Here, taking selfie provides a good feel for better enjoyment.
  2. Social competition. Sharing my selfies give healthy competition.
  3. Attention seeking. Gain enormous attention.
  4. Mood modification. Able to reduce stress.
  5. Self-confidence. Feel confident when I take a selfie.
  6. Social Conformity. I get more acceptance in my peer group.

A person having the problem of selfitis will be having a feeling of isolation from the society when not having the activity of selfie and when she/he is in full swing of selfie activity he/she imagines herself as a person accepted in general. Some people do not post their photos on social media, but they take pictures with a minimum of three times. This condition is known as borderline selfitis. Those who take photos three times and post in social media are known as acute selfitis. Those who take pictures in six times and post in social media are having chronic selfitis.

If a person is having the problem of selfitis, it usually indicates that he tends to attract others. Further, such a person may not have self-confidence. They will also be managing to adjust with others even if his/her opinion differs with others. Here the persons aim is to get favor from others. These people will spend more time on their makeup and dressings and tend to show it to the public.

Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai and Nottingham Trent University (NTU) UK have decided to investigate the problem of selfitis and confirmed that it Selfitis is an existing problem.

Who is more prone to Selfitis?
A narcissistic personality disorder is one of the several personality disorders where the person has increased sense; of self –importance, they are pre-occupied with fantasies /unlimited success/constant need for attention & admiration, lavishness /increases accomplishments, they lack empathy/sensitivity to others needs. They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recognize them as being superior. Such persons have more tendency for selfitis. In histrionic personality disorder also where people especially female who is overly dramatic, intensively expressive, enjoys being the center of attention also are prone to selfitis. They have poor interpersonal relationships, romantic fantasies, and control of partners, they get easily bored, they display dependency, they have excessive emotional displays/dramatic, and they may dress provocatively or exaggerate illnesses to gain attention.

Categories: Mental Health